Mother Dairy poly packed milk comes in many varieties, so this article will help you choose the best option for consumption according to your nutritional needs.

  • Ultra milk: It comes with extra malai, so it becomes a good choice to make ghee, curd, paneer and other sweet dishes. Minimum SNF : 9% and Minimum Fat : 7%.
  • Full cream milk: The minimum fat content is 6% & SNF is 9%.
  • Toned milk: The minimum fat content is 3% & SNF is 8.5%.
  • Standardised milk: The minimum fat content is 4.5% & SNF is 8.5%
  • Cow milk: It has a small size of casein micelles which leads to more hydration that helps in digestion, thus making it easy to digest by young children (Age: 25 months and above). Also, the homogenisation process breaks the fat globules into smaller sizes, thus aiding in the digestion process. The minimum fat content is 4% & SNF is 8.5%
  • Super-T Milk: It is thicker milk which has been uniquely crafted for tea. The minimum fat content is 4% & SNF is 8.5%
  • Dietz Milk: The minimum fat content is 0.1% & SNF is 8.7%
  • Live Lite Milk: The minimum fat content is 1.5% & SNF is 9%. It is fortified with Vitamin A and D.
  • FullYo milk: This milk has a full-bodied taste and provides with great nutrition. It is fortified with Vitamin A and Vitamin D and has a minimum fat content of 5% & SNF is 9%.

All the above products have a shelf life of 48 hours from the date of packaging (refrigeration required: Below 8C)

If you want to choose from products with a higher shelf life, then Mother Dairy has 3 products under ultra-heat treatment milk. 

  • UHT Toned Milk: It has a shelf life of 4 months and comes in a 1L Tetrapak, once it is opened it should be refrigerated and used within 2 days. This toned milk has 3% of minimum milk fat and 8.5% of minimum milk SNF.
  • ESL Live Lite: It has a shelf life of 3 months and comes in a 180 ml or 500 ml pouch. You don’t need to boil or refrigerate it until you open the pouch. This “Live Lite“ milk has 1.5% of minimum fat and 9% of minimum SNF.
  • UHT Live Lite Fortified milk: It is low fat and high calcium milk. Comes in a 1L Tetrapak which is enriched with Vitamin A and Vitamin D to enhance calcium absorption.

SNF (Solids not fat) in milk consist of everything except milk fat and water i.e. the total solids content in the residue which is left after complete evaporation of water from milk. It includes lactose, mineral matter and fat protein.

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