Good nutrition is very important for good health and our immune system. Be physically active while staying at home and adhering to safe food practices. Here is a list of foods that one should limit to build the strength of our immune system.  

Limit Salt Intake: When the availability of fresh food decreases then the consumption of canned, frozen and processed foods increases and these contain high levels of salt. As per the recommendation of WHO one should consume less than 5 grams of salt/day. So to achieve this one has to limit the intake of foods with no added salt or reduced salt content. Pickled foods contain high levels of sodium. Avoid adding extra salt while cooking and try to experiment with spices and herbs for flavour.

Limit Sugar Intake: As per WHO recommendation, 5% of total energy intake should come from free sugar for adults. So to achieve this number switch to fresh fruits as frozen, canned and fruit syrups contain added sugar. Choose options low in sugar and keep a check on portion size. When fat is removed to mask the loss of flavour often sugar is used so be well aware of the sugar content of low-fat options as they have high amounts of added sugar.

Limit Fat Intake: As per WHO recommendation total fat intake should be less than 30% of total energy intake of which saturated fat % should be less than 10%. In order to achieve this number switch up your cooking methods to grilling and steaming. Also, use small amounts of unsaturated oils like olive oil. Limit the intake of saturated fats like full-fat dairy, palm oil, lard, etc. Keep a check on nutrition labels to avoid trans fats. Processed, frozen and fried foods are high on trans fats. Stick to home cooking to avoid the risk of trans fat consumption and limit the intake of cookies, margarine and baked goods as they include hydrogenated fats.

Limit Alcohol: It weakens our immune system and also increases toxicity levels in our body.


Food and nutrition tips during self-quarantine (n.d.)WHO.

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