Best source of selenium 

Brazil nuts are found in the Amazon rainforest in Peru, Bolivia and brazil. These are tree nuts that have a buttery, nutty, and smooth texture and are the best source of selenium.

These nuts are a very good dietary source of selenium and are very energy-dense. 28 grams of it contains 187 calories, 4.1 g of protein, 19g of fat, 3.3g of carbs, 2.1 g of fibre, 988% of selenium, 55% of copper, 33% of magnesium, 30% of phosphorus, 17% of manganese, 10.5% of zinc, 16% of thiamine and 11% of vitamin E. They are a great source of selenium and one nut = 96 mcg i.e 175% of RDA and is an excellent source of fats.

Selenium is required for the proper functioning of our body as it is essential for our thyroid gland and influences cell growth and the immune system.

Selenium supports the thyroid function in our body and its low levels leads to cell damage, autoimmune disorders and reduced thyroid activity. It has been found to improve symptoms in people who have a thyroid disorder.

Brazil nuts are very rich in antioxidants as they combat damage caused by free radicals. Selenium increases the level of GPx enzyme (glutathione peroxidase) which protects our body from oxidative stress and reduces inflammation.

Selenium, phenols and vitamin E are some of the antioxidants in Brazil nuts that provide us with its amazing benefits. Brazil nuts have PUFA (polyunsaturated fats) that are good for our heart health, rich in antioxidants, minerals, fibre and lowers the risk of heart diseases.

Consuming Brazil nuts also have an effect on lowering cholesterol levels. It increases HDL cholesterol which helps to decrease the risk of heart diseases. It also contains ellagic acid which has protective effects on our brain.

Although eating Brazil nuts has many health benefits but its high consumption may be harmful.

Selenium toxicity is dangerous but rare, 5000 mcg of selenium can lead to toxicity and this is a dangerous condition which is known as selenosis which causes heart attack, kidney failure and breathing problems. The maximum intake of selenium is 400 mcg per day. Safe consumption includes 1-3 Brazil nuts/day.

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