6 Food Item To Relish Without Fear

• Whole Eggs: Eggs have a high-quality protein that keeps you satisfied and full for a long time. Some people will ask you to avoid the yolk because it is believed that it increases blood cholesterol levels however it is not true as when you eat foods high in cholesterol your liver produces less cholesterol to compensate for it thus the blood cholesterol levels remain stable. On the other hand, whole eggs protect your heart health as it changes the shape and size of bad (LDL) cholesterol and increases insulin sensitivity along with good (HDL) cholesterol levels. The yolk is high in zeaxanthin and lutein that helps to protect against age-related eye problems like macular degeneration and cataracts.

• Coconut oil: It is said that the saturated fat in coconut oil may cause heart-related problems and should be avoided, but the type of saturated fat in coconut oil actually benefits our heart health. It helps to increase good (HDL) cholesterol levels and promotes weight loss. It contains MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) that are directly used as energy and not stored as fats. MCTs increase the body’s metabolic rate, promote fullness and also help to reduce hunger. Although being a fat source, it should be consumed in moderation.

• Full Fat Dairy: Stop consuming low fat or fat-free dairy products as they lack health-promoting properties and nutrients in comparison to their full-fat versions. Full-fat dairy contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which helps promote fat loss and vitamin K2 that protects bone and heart health. It also helps to reduce the loss of muscle mass during ageing. Although full-fat dairy consists of saturated animal fats and is high in calories, so it should be consumed in moderation.

• Dark chocolate/Cocoa: The flavanol content of cocoa provides a great number of antioxidants along with skin-protecting properties. Dark chocolate helps to reduce blood pressure, increase insulin sensitivity and improve artery function. Always consume dark chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa content and the one with low sugar and fat content.

• Coffee: It contains caffeine which is a potent stimulant and its high doses can have negative effects. However, its moderate consumption can provide various health benefits. It helps to improve mood, physical and mental performance. Coffee helps to boost your metabolism, contains polyphenols (antioxidants) and has a protective effect on our liver health.

• Unprocessed Meat: It is an excellent source of high-quality protein that helps improve muscle function and is one of the best sources of heme iron which is easily absorbed by your body. Grass-fed meat is healthier than grain-fed meat as it contains more omega-3 fatty acids and CLA. (Don’t overcook it and eat in moderation. )

References :

  • Whigham, L. D., Watras, A. C., & Schoeller, D. A. (2007). Efficacy of conjugated linoleic acid for reducing fat mass: a meta-analysis in humans. The American journal of clinical nutrition85(5), 1203–1211. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/85.5.1203
  • Jackson, J., Williams, R., McEvoy, M., MacDonald-Wicks, L., & Patterson, A. (2016). Is Higher Consumption of Animal Flesh Foods Associated with Better Iron Status among Adults in Developed Countries? A Systematic Review. Nutrients8(2), 89. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu8020089
  • Crozier, S. J., Preston, A. G., Hurst, J. W., Payne, M. J., Mann, J., Hainly, L., & Miller, D. L. (2011). Cacao seeds are a “Super Fruit”: A comparative analysis of various fruit powders and products. Chemistry Central journal5, 5. https://doi.org/10.1186/1752-153X-5-5

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