Your Food Guide For Fabulous Skin

It is very rightly said that “you are what you eat” so it is important to nourish your skin through good food because beautiful skin starts at a cellular level. If you feed your skin with vital nutrients, then you will be able to achieve a supple, soft, blemish-free fabulous skin.

Our skin ages naturally, and we cannot resist it, but we may be able to slow down the ageing process with good nutrition. Eat a balanced diet, include a variety of food items, antioxidant-rich vegetables & fruits, and healthy fats from nuts. It provides your body with optimal levels of nutrients like vitamin E, C, zinc, beta carotene and selenium.

• Eat 5 portions of vegetables and fruit every day: They contain powerful antioxidants that help to protect our skin from cellular damage caused by smoking, free radicals, sunlight and pollution.

• Eat enough vitamin C: It is a great antioxidant that helps to promote radiant skin, supports the immune system and helps to heal blemishes. It also helps in collagen production that is responsible for providing the youthfulness and elasticity of our skin, including broccoli, kiwi, oranges, guava, sweet potatoes and strawberries.

• Avoid any kind of crash diet: Quick weight loss or weight gain can have negative effects on your skin and cause stretch marks, wrinkles and sagging. Any kind of crash diet is linked to low intake of vitamins and minerals, which reflects poorly on your skin. So focus on eating a balanced diet and nutrient-dense whole foods.

• Focus on your selenium intake: Selenium is a great antioxidant. It works with antioxidants like vitamin C and E to support our immune system. Selenium protects our skin from sun damage, cancer and age spots. Good sources of selenium are Brazil nuts, eggs, fish, tomatoes, broccoli and wheatgerm.

• Eat enough vitamin E: This vitamin protects our skin from oxidative damage and supports skin growth. Include almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower and pine nuts to your diet.

Focus on your water intake, eat healthy fats, opt for omega-3 rich foods like chia seeds and walnuts, eat more phytoestrogens like soya, fruits, vegetables and wholegrain. Eat a good amount of zinc for the effective functioning of your sebaceous glands as they help to keep your skin soft, supple and repair skin damage.

To avoid any kind of acne issues cut back on hydrogenated fats and processed foods.

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