Diet & Supplement tips for PCOS

PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is a very common endocrine condition. Women with PCOS suffer from irregular periods, acne, weight gain, thinning of hair, ovarian cysts, etc.

Lifestyle changes and dietary modifications help to overcome this problem.

Dietary modifications : 

• Avoid preserved and processed food items as they contribute to insulin resistance and inflammation. Opt for whole foods that are free from hormones, preservatives and artificial sugars. Vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains are unprocessed, closer to their natural state and contribute towards the better functioning of the endocrine system.

• Include anti-inflammatory foods like green leafy vegetables, olive oil, tomatoes, tree nuts, etc. to overcome inflammation.

• Include iron-rich foods in your diet like spinach, broccoli, eggs to up your iron intake.

• Magnesium-rich foods like bananas, spinach, almonds and cashews should be included in your diet to manage symptoms related to PCOS.

• Avoid coffee as its consumption is linked to changes in hormone behaviour. Opt for decaf alternatives like green tea.

• Include Soy products like tempeh, tofu, soy milk, etc. as they mimic estrogen that might help balance hormones in the case of PCOS.

Supplements to be added: They help to overcome insulin resistance, reduce inflammation and help in hormone regulation.

• Inositol: B vitamin that helps to improve insulin resistance.

• Chromium: They may help to stabilise insulin resistance and improve BMI.

• Cinnamon extract: It has positive effects on insulin resistance and helps to regulate menstruation.

• Turmeric extract: It is a great anti-inflammatory agent and helps to decrease insulin resistance.

• Zinc: It helps to boost your immune system and fertility.

• Combination of Vitamin D and calcium: Vitamin D is vital for improving irregular periods and effective functioning of the endocrine system.

• Cod liver oil: It contains vitamin A and D along with good amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Its consumption helps to decrease belly fat and improve menstrual regularity.

Consult your doctor before adding any of these supplements to your diet as they may interfere with PCOS prescribed medication.

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