Is Dairy Good or Bad?

• Dairy is not necessary for optimal health as per evolutionary perspective, but humans consume milk in adulthood as well, being the only species to do so.

• Lactose Intolerance: Lactose is the milk sugar which is digested and broken down by the enzyme lactase. 75% of the world population is lactose intolerant that is being unable to break down the lactose sugar, leading to vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea and other digestive symptoms.

• Grass-fed dairy is of superior quality and higher in omega-3 fatty acids along with vitamin K2 that helps regulate calcium metabolism and support bone & heart health.

• Dairy is the best source for calcium which is the main mineral in our bones. To get enough calcium dairy consumption is very important as it improves bone mineral density and lowers the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

• Full-fat dairy helps to reduce inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, lower triglycerides and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

• Superior quality dairy products come from grass-fed or pasture-raised varieties as their milk quality is better with having a better nutrient profile. Always go for high-quality dairy with no added sugar (preferably grass-fed or pasture-raised).\

• Fermented dairy products like yoghurt have numerous health benefits that include providing probiotic bacteria for our gut health.

Therefore dairy cannot be categorised as good or bad or unhealthy or healthy as its effects vary from individual to individual. Although if you are tolerant of dairy and its products then you can easily enjoy its health benefits as there is no solid proof about it being unhealthy, but there is a lot of evidence-based proof about its health benefits.

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