Side Effects Of Excess Coffee

• Caffeine can become addictive as it triggers the brain chemicals and may lead to its dependency. Withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and fatigue occur in daily users who consume a certain amount of caffeine. So if one is highly sensitive to caffeine, tea will be a better option. As it contains L-theanine that helps you relax and has calming properties while keeps you alert. Both the beverages are safe and healthy to consume in moderation.

• 400 mg per day of caffeine is considered safe for human consumption. High doses of caffeine can lead to nervousness and anxiety. 1000 mg or more caffeine per day can cause jitteriness, nervousness, rapid breathing and increased stress levels.

• Caffeine can impact your sleep and cause insomnia. Higher caffeine intake is directly related to less sleep affecting the quality of sleep as well.

• Coffee has a laxative effect and stimulates bowel movements. So a high dose of it leads to diarrhoea and loose stools in a few people. So to avoid digestive issues stick to low to moderate doses of caffeine.

• It is very important to monitor the dosage and timing of caffeine as it has temporary effects on our blood pressure.

• High caffeine dose raises our blood pressure which is a risk factor for stroke, heart attack, etc. but this is a temporary effect. Although caffeine helps boost our energy when it wears off our system, it leads to fatigue causing a rebound effect.

• Caffeine has a stimulatory effect on our bladder, and high intake of caffeine causes increased urination. So it is very important to stay hydrated while consuming.

• Consuming low to moderate amounts of caffeine provides good health benefits, but the high dosage can lead to undesirable side effects that affect our overall health including sleep and energy levels.

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