5 Fruits to relish this summer 

The summers have already come and the temperature is blazing heat day by day. So, are you ready to deal with it? How? Simply, adjusting your diet accordingly and starts with including fresh seasonal fruits, which are hydrating, offers vitamins and minerals which are vital for maintaining health and to keep you nourished.

1)  Melons

Musk melons or honeydew melons offer nutrients and plant compounds that are responsible for many potential health benefits. Honeydew melon is high in potassium and low in sodium, which makes it suitable for people with high blood pressure. It contains nutrients that are vital for bone health like vitamin K, magnesium. They help hydrate you more effectively as they offer some electrolytes as well.

Watermelon is delicious, low in calories, high in vitamin C, vitamin A and many healthy plant compounds like cucurbitacin E, which acts as an antioxidant along with Vitamin C and A.

2) Grapes 

Grapes offer several important nutrients. It is especially known for high vitamin C and vitamin K content, the former vitamin is an essential nutrient for connective tissue health and the later one for blood clotting and healthy bones. Grapes offer powerful antioxidants which are beneficial and lower the risk of chronic diseases, anthocyanin is responsible for giving red grapes their colour. Resveratrol which is a type of polyphenol is effective against heart diseases, diabetes and cancer. Other antioxidants being beta-carotene, vitamin C, quercetin, lutein, lycopene. They contain sugar as they have a sweet taste but have a low glycemic index which doesn’t seem to raise the sugar levels if eaten whole.

3) Mangoes 

Mangoes are packed with taste and nutrients, particularly vitamin C, and immunity-boosting nutrient, also helps with the absorption of iron and fights against oxidants. It offers dozens of polyphenols that have been linked to reducing chronic diseases. Amongst the polyphenols, mangiferin is the “super antioxidant” since its especially powerful. Mangoes also contain vitamin K, vitamin E, several B vitamins. They have digestive enzymes, water, dietary fibre and other compounds that aid digestive health. The presence of lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin A support eye health.

4) Pear 

This summer fruit is popularly known for its good source of fibre and it contains a good amount of chromium, which is important for metabolising carbohydrates, fat and protein. They are also a good source of polyphenol, antioxidants while harbouring other plant compounds beneficial for health. They are a rich source of flavonoids, known to reduce inflammation and protect against certain diseases. Eating pears regularly may help reduce the risk of heart stroke and sugar levels due to high fibre and potent antioxidants such as procyanidins and quercitin. So, pears have nutrients that may help fight inflammation, promote gut and heart health, and fight against certain other diseases.

5) Plums 

Plums are impressively high in nutrients, they contain 15 different vitamins and minerals, in addition to fibre, antioxidants such as polyphenols. It mainly provides vitamin B, vitamin C, phosphorous, magnesium, also is relatively low in calories. They are high in antioxidants, which help lower the risk of chronic diseases. Dried plums or prunes are known to help relieve constipation due to high fibre content.

So, gorge on these summer fruits on a daily basis to make the most of them!

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