SATTU: Health Benefits & Ways to Include in Your Diet

Sattu is a flour which is consumed mostly in the state of Bihar, Punjab and UP. It is made by a mixture of grounded pulses and cereals and can prepare in various ways. It is also known as “poor man’s protein” as it is a cheap source of protein and in Bihar and UP, bodybuilders mix it in milk to increase the protein content in the diet.

How is sattu prepared?

It can be prepared by roasting and grinding mainly black channa but there are certain variations to sattu like mixing of chickpea four to it. Also, in Punjab barley flour is mostly used to make sattu.

Reasons to quench your thirst with sattu sherbet 

It has cooling properties and sattu has a low glycemic index and offers fibre. It can be consumed uncooked so sattu sherbet is an easy to prepare refreshing beverage for summers as it helps keep you hydrated. It offers calcium, magnesium, iron and one of the most indigenous sources of protein.

How to prepare sattu sherbet?

Take a vessel, add sattu flour with water and mix well.

Add some lemon juice, mint leaves, black salt, roasted cumin powder, black pepper powder and mix well.

Other ways to include sattu flour in your diet 

In Bihar and Jharkhand, their traditional dish litti is made by stuffing sattu in wheat flour balls or sattu paranthas are also relished. Sattu porridge and sattu halwa are other sweet options.

Health Benefits of Sattu 

  • It is a great protein alternative – protein is needed by our body for the repair of tissues, the building of muscles, hormones and many other processes.
  • 4 tbsp of this roasted flour will provide you with 19.7 g. of high-quality protein along with – calcium and magnesium.
  • It is great for digestion:-It offers insoluble fibre which helps keep your colon clean and good for digestion and also helps relieve acidity, bloating problems.
  • Good for diabetics:-Sattu has a low glycemic index, offers certain minerals and has fibre that helps maintain sugar levels.
  • Good for bone health:-It offers calcium, manganese which is good for bone health.
  • Help prevent anaemia:-Being a good source of iron, it helps fight iron deficiencies which lead to anaemia especially in women.

So enjoy sattu in any form of like, but the best and simplest way is to have it in the form of sherbet to get the important nutrients you need.

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