9 Fruits to Add to Your Diet

All fruits have a different sugar content that may help tame your sweet tooth without adding any extra sugar calories. This article will help you identify such fruits so that you can make better choices. The provided list of fruits contains sugar amounts ranging from 1-13g of sugar per fruit/per cup and portion size makes a lot of difference. If you eat a cup of watermelon you are consuming 10g of sugar, but if you decide to eat 4 cups of watermelon, then your total sugar intake will become 40grams that is equal to drinking a can of sugary aerated soda.

• Lemons: These have a high vitamin C content with only 1g of sugar per lemon.

• Raspberries: These have a sugar content of 5g sugar per cup, they are a great source of fibre too.

• Strawberries: They are a low-calorie fruit with a sugar content of 7g per cup. They also have a high vitamin C content.

• Blackberries: They are fibre and antioxidant-rich with a sugar content of 7g per cup.

• Kiwi: They are vitamin C rich with a sugar content of 6g per cup.

• Avocado: Being a rich source of healthy fats, 1 raw avocado has a sugar content of only 1g.

• Watermelon: Being a great source of iron it comes with a sugar content of 10g per cup

• Peaches: They are very sweet and contain less than 13g of sugar per medium-sized fruit

• Oranges: High on vitamin C and low in calories they provide with 12g of sugar per fruit with about less than 70 calories

Although fruits contain fibre, vitamins and minerals in comparison to processed high sugar snacks. And these high-fibre foods help to maintain our blood sugar levels as they do not cause any blood sugar spikes like other sugary processed snacks. Enjoy these low sugar fruits in moderation and boost up your antioxidant levels.

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