9 Foods for glowing skin

Genetics and lifestyle habits play a role in determining your skin health, but this article talks about food items that will help you to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, treat acne, fight premature ageing and turn off inflammatory genes to build healthy tissues. Add the following foods in your diet to nourish your skin and help it healthy and glowing:

• Cooked Tomatoes: Cooking the tomatoes is very important as it ups the lycopene content. Lycopene is a phytochemical that helps boost the production of collagen required to maintain the youthfulness and elasticity of the skin.

• Carrots: They are a great source of vitamin A and beta carotene, that help stop the overproduction of cells in the outer layer of the skin. It means that less dead cells combine with the sebum and clog pores. They also help to reduce the development of skin cancer cells.

• Turmeric: The curcumin present in turmeric has great free-radical fighting and anti-inflammatory properties.

• Papaya: Chymopapain (enzyme) present in papaya helps to relieve inflammation which is the source of any skin condition. Papain (enzyme) helps to treat acne and remove blemishes.

• Eggs: Add whole eggs to your diet as the yolk is rich in important vitamins, especially biotin. Biotin is a B vitamin that helps protect our skin from rashes, acne, dryness along with being good for our hair and nails.

• Green Tea: It contains catechins (antioxidants) that have anti-inflammatory properties and helps keep your skin glowing.

• Coconut oil and water: Coconut water helps to replenish and rehydrate your skin. It has good amounts of muscle relaxing electrolytes and potassium. Coconut oil is a great way to improve your gut health, aids in digestion and prevents inflammation and breakouts.

• Almonds: It is a great source of vitamin E, which works as an antioxidant to keep your body free from the damage of free radicals.

• Walnuts: It is a good source of healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids which protects our skin and prevents it from any damage.

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