Red Wine vs White Wine

If a person drinks wine in moderation, then it may be beneficial for the circulatory system and the heart. But the question arises here which wine is better for health – Red Wine or White Wine?

Drink in moderation: If you consume too much of any alcohol it can outweigh the health benefits for the same, so drinking in moderation is the key i.e. 1-2 drinks/day as per Harvard School of Public Health.

Red wine is prepared using black and red grapes in comparison to white wine that is prepared using only white grapes. Red wine contains more calories in comparison to white wine, but there is no major difference in the nutritional value of red and white wine as:

Red wine carbohydrate content = 4g/glass.

White wine carbohydrate content = 5g/glass.

Red wine alcohol content = 3.1g/glass.

White wine alcohol content =2.9g/glass.

Red wine is often considered as a healthier option in comparison to white wine, as the fermentation process for red wine includes the grape skin while it is exempted in white wine. The skin of the grape is separated from the juice and fermented into white wine. Healthy antioxidants are present in grape skin that help to promote good health.

Resveratrol is an antioxidant which is abundantly present in grape skin. Presence of resveratrol in red wine helps to lower bad cholesterol levels, reduces the risk for blood clots and prevents damage of blood vessels.

Red wine also has polyphenols that help overcome the effects of premature ageing and keep toxins at bay.

High levels of silicon content of red wine help to reduce the chances of osteoporosis and increase bone density.

Therefore, red wine is better than white wine when it comes to providing health benefits. But wine is still alcohol and overconsumption of alcohol can lead to health issues, so drink red wine in moderation.

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