10 Reasons to include cardamom in your diet

• Cardamom is a very versatile ingredient that can be used in baking or cooking in a variety of ways. There is no recommended dosage for it and safe for consumption.

• Cardamom is a commonly used spice in India, the oilseeds and extracts have medicinal properties. As it has high antioxidant levels, it is related to lowering blood pressure.

• It also has diuretic properties that remove build-up water in our body. Cardamom consists of compounds that fight cancer and increases the activity of enzymes that help fight cancer cells. It is useful to fight inflammation.

• Chronic diseases are caused due to long term inflammation, antioxidants (in cardamom) protect the cells from inflammation and damage. It is used to help with digestive problems.

• Cardamom is mixed with other medicinal spices to relieve vomiting, nausea, discomfort and the ability to heal ulcers.

• Cardamom pods are often consumed post-meal as they can easily fight mouth bacteria and provide a minty fresh breath. It is also commonly used to improve oral health and treat bad breath.

• It also has antibacterial effects and helps to treat a few infections. Its extracts and essential oils have compounds that fight against several strains of bacteria contributing to stomach issues, food poisoning and fungal infections.

• It also contributes towards better oxygen uptake as it relaxes air passage to the lungs and improves breathing.

• Its powder form when combined with tea, also helps to lower blood sugar levels. The extract decreases cholesterol, triglyceride levels, elevated liver enzymes, prevents enlargement of the liver and reduces the risk of fatty liver disease.

• Its extract prevents anxiety and other mood disorders. It is a weight loss-friendly spice too as its consumption is related to a decrease in waist size.

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