Different Types of Protein

Difference between Whey and Plant protein :

• Whey protein is sourced from milk whereas plant-based protein is vegan. Plant protein is good for people who are lactose intolerant and are vegan or vegetarians. Most common examples of plant-based proteins are soy, pea and brown rice. Whey protein comes from milk and has biologically active compounds that make it a common choice to enhance and improve athletic performance.

• Whey protein powder consists of all 9 essential amino acids making it a complete source of protein and it is quick to digest. The protein works fast in our body and provides quick recovery and muscle protein synthesis. Whey is considered best to boost muscle growth and repair as it promotes stamina and energy.

• In contrast, plant protein lacks some of the essential amino acids making it an incomplete protein source. Soy protein, however, contains all the 9 essential amino acids but some of those amino acids are present in negligible amounts. So when choosing a plant-based protein it becomes very important to eat a combination of incomplete proteins so that your body is provided with all the essential amino acids.

Difference between Animal and Plant protein : 

• A total of 20 amino acids are used to build proteins and they are classified into essential (the body cannot produce thus required from dietary sources) and non-essential (the body can produce) .

• Animal protein like egg, fish, dairy are considered a complete source of protein as they consist of all essential amino acids. In comparison to plant proteins like nuts, lentils and beans they are considered incomplete proteins as they lack 1 or more essential amino acids that are required by our body.

• Plant protein is considered to have a lower quality of protein in comparison to animal protein so in order to get all the amino acids animal proteins are a better option. An ideal diet should be a balance of both plant and animal protein sources, therefore, a diet with grass-fed meat, poultry, dairy, fish eggs and low in processed meat along with rich plant protein is required for optimal health and fitness.

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