8 Reasons to Eat an Apple Every Day 

Apple consumption helps to improve your overall health and fitness and to make the best of an apple try to have the whole fruit with the skin. They are quite filling and have a low-calorie count. They are rich in fibre, minerals, antioxidants and also vitamin C. Here are 8 reasons to eat an apple every day:

1. Apples help to keep your teeth white and healthy: When you eat an apple the chewing and swallowing help increase the production of saliva which in turn helps to reduce the number of bacteria and decaying of teeth.

2. Helps to decrease the risk of diabetes: Apple has a high soluble fibre content which helps to stabilise your blood glucose levels.

3. Good for heart health: The high soluble fibre is directly related to a slower deposition of cholesterol plaque in the arteries. The apple skin consists of phenolic compounds like epicatechin and quercetin which prevent the build-up of cholesterol on the artery walls and aid in normal blood flow.

4. Helps to prevent gallstone formation: A high fibre diet is required to prevent gallstones as they develop when the bile solidifies because of excess cholesterol. The fibre content helps to regulate cholesterol levels and weight.

5. Aids in weight loss: Apples have a high fibre and water content and these two qualities make an apple very filling. If you eat an apple before your meals, it helps to provide satiety. People tend to consume fewer calories which helps to maintain a calorie deficit and this leads to weight loss.

6. Helps to prevent haemorrhoids (swollen vein in the anal canal ): It is a painful condition caused by excessive rectal and pelvic strain. Apples help in keeping our digestive health thus relieving haemorrhoids.

7. Heart-healthy: The phenolic compounds of apples helps to prevent bad cholesterol solidification in the artery walls and thus helps to keep our heart healthy.

8. Helps in the detoxification of the liver: The soluble fibre pectin in apples helps in lowering bad cholesterol levels and eliminating toxins from our body. They also contain malic acid known as a cleansing nutrient that helps to remove toxins from our blood.

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