Black Coffee For A Better Workout?

It is said to give that extra edge, it is still in those grey areas whether it should be consumed or not?

  • Your body still needs a carbohydrate-protein based snack as fuel to carry out the workout, so coffee has been an addition to it and not a complete replacement.
  • Taking it at the right time and the right way can help you gain its benefits. Make sure to have it 30 to 45 minutes before you hit the gym as caffeine needs time to kick in and to experience the peak of your caffeine buzz.
  • Not to exceed 400mg of caffeine a day to avoid addiction and prevent side effects such as restlessness, lack of sleep.
  • It is imperative to keep your water content good as it has diuretic properties.

1. Coffee before a workout is believed to have fat-burning properties

As per the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, a study was carried out in which trained athletes had caffeine before their workout and burned 15 % more calories, as compared to the placebo group.

It may increase your metabolism and use more of stored fat as a source of energy as opposed to glycogen, which is utilised for strenuous physical activity.

Presence of certain compounds in coffee act as appetite suppressants.

2. May help increase performance

It says that athletes can train for longer after caffeine consumption as it boosts energy and output. It reduces resistance to fatigue and improves endurance to perform.

3. Improves focus

It makes your workout productive and effective by increasing the concentration.

4. Decreases muscle pain

Less muscular pain is experienced as it may help reduce exercise-induced pain due to lactic acid buildup, also promotes better muscle recovery.

5. Prevention of diseases

Increasing age leads to a decrease in cognitive skills and risk of having dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. It aids in cardiovascular health as drinking 1-2 cups of black coffee helps reduce inflammation in the body.

6. Rich in antioxidants

Vitamin B2, B3, B5, Manganese, potassium and magnesium.

To drink coffee or not? It’s completely your call whether you only have that occasional cup of coffee or having purposely before a workout. 

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