Herbs For Treatment Of Liver Diseases

The liver plays a pivotable role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipid, protein, formation and storage of vitamins, minerals, excretion of steroid hormones and detoxification of drugs, and other toxins. The liver impacts the normal functioning of growth and development, fertility, cardiovascular maintenance and bone integrity.

Liver diseases are mainly caused by toxic chemicals (certain antibiotics, aflatoxin, carbon tetrachloride etc. ), excess consumption of alcohol, infections and autoimmune diseases.

Several studies have shown that the use of medicinal plants or herbs for therapeutic use and health of the liver has increased in the past years. Therefore, it is distinct that these plants possess versatile antioxidant and immunomodulatory which are beneficial in preventing liver diseases.

What are the main therapeutic components ?

Certain compounds or chemicals present in plants act as therapeutic components, which are listed below:-








All the above-mentioned components offer immunomodulatory properties and prevent infections by re-establishing body equilibrium and conditioning of the body tissues. Also, the presence of vitamins -A, C, E, K and minerals selenium, copper, manganese, zinc, chromium, iodine help promote liver health.

Some Of The Important Medicinal Herbs 

Long Pepper– known to possess liver protective functions, contain “piperine” with an ability to fight infections and improves the bioavailability of certain nutritive substances such as amino acids, curcumin, selenium, vitamin B6 and carotene.

Turmeric – it protects from the damage caused by eating foods with a high amount of fat and it has anti oxidative, anti-carcinogenic and hypocholesterolemic action and helps lower the damaging effect of excess cholesterol on the liver.

Aloe Vera – it is a powerful detoxifier, antiseptic and one of the finest cleanser of colon, liver, kidneys. It has immune-boosting and antiviral properties.

Eclipta Alba – its a traditional Ayurvedic medicine and the leaf extract of this plant works as a great liver tonic. It acts by improving the functional status of hepatic drug metabolising enzymes.

Amla fruit

It is traditionally used for enlarged liver and improving liver functioning.

In conclusion, herbs have potential liver-protective phytochemicals which are useful for the treatment of alcoholic liver cirrhosis and other types of liver diseases. Maintaining a good lifestyle, eating nutrias plant-based diets, avoiding the consumption of alcohol, smoke can help prevent damage to the liver.

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